This video was shot a little while ago, but its taken some time to get it up here to the site. No… no particular reason, but just trying to date it. It was probably taken last year.
We had a box lying around, and of course, every child’s favorite thing is to play with a box. The kids were crawling in and out of it. I’m not sure what transpired exactly, but at some point Mara found herself in the box, and Campbell was on the outside. We ended up with a very big Jack in the Box with Mara being ‘Jack’ (yeah, I tried to think up a clever ‘J’ name in the video that was female and used Janet, which didn’t get understood very well). Campbell thought it was the funniest thing!
One of the best things happening right now is seeing these two get along more and more. Campbell absolutely adores Mara. It is also clear that she is the one that can make him laugh the loudest. He finds her very funny.
8.8 MB / Time 1:34
2 responses so far ↓
1 Ramona // Jan 29, 2009 at 12:54 pm
Campbell & Mara you two are the most lucky people having your own blogs, your own big box, a winder, and a photographer. I confess that we laughed as much as Campbell, and Mara you make a great Janet in the Box!
Lots of love,
G-Aunt Monie & G-Uncle George
2 Luke // Jan 29, 2009 at 10:40 pm
It is the strangest things that get these kids laughing. You never know what is going to be hysterical to them.
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