Campbell’s Blog

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No Trunk, Will Travel

April 11th, 2008 · No Comments · Video

Campbell might not be as far along as Mara yet in terms of words or signing, but he is beginning to get there. The only things he says at this point are dada, mama, and he just started to say uh-oh and Mara. This last week though he made the connection between a sound he can make and a certain animal. This was one of Mara’s favorites as well. Now when you ask him, Campbell is able to imitate an elephants sound. It does help that he was going around making this noise on his own before we taught him about the elephant.

This video catches him doing it, along with some other things, like walking a little and dancing. But of course, he was doing it PLENTY before I picked up the camera. Then it took him a while to do it again once I had the camera in hand. I remember this time with Mara, there seemed to be an avalanche of skills picked up around now.

Elephant Video
Elephant Video

18.3 MB / Time 3:46


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