This video is a little bit old, as it was taken about four weeks ago. Campbell is just starting to eat food with his hands, and of course we are starting with the standard puffs. At the point of this video he has only been at it a week or so. In the beginning when he was working at it it seemed that he simply picked up the puffs and put them to his mouth because, quite frankly, anything that makes it into his hands goes to his mouth. This is around the time where you can begin to see that he is maybe starting to connect that this is food and that he can eat it.
Since the video he has experienced some Cracker Barrel and Chick-fil-a as well, not just puffs. He is becoming an expert now.
15.4 MB / Time 3:12
Remember Mara’s video of eating Cheerios.
1 response so far ↓
1 auntiejen // Dec 4, 2007 at 10:12 am
Wow Campbell! You are really good at hitting the target with those puffs. You and your cousin Gracie can play a game of “Pick up Puffs” at Christmas.
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