Yeah, I realize this is a little late but better late than never. Having two kids is a lot of work! So Campbell had his four month pediatrician appointment on August 22, 2007. He weighed in at 14lbs and 10.5 ounces. A height of 24 and 1/4 inches long and a head circumference of 42 cm. That puts him in the 45th, 25th and 30th percentiles respectively. Our sweet little man is growing rapidly.
He’s gotten so much personality as of late. If there is anything going on that sounds even half way interesting while he’s trying to drink a bottle well you might as well forget it because he needs to check out the action.
Our little hercules likes to sit up by himself now although we still watch him because sometimes he can topple. Lisa, our new nanny, showed him how to stablize his body with his hands out in front and she said he does it all by himself now. He also is trying to roll over from his back to his front. He gets to his side at this point but that is about it.
Last week we had a visit with a pediatric pulmonologist at Wake Forest but the visit was rather inconclusive about what exactly is going on with his breathing and coughing. He is now taking some Singulair powder on his rice cereal to hopefully stop some of the coughing. Amazing how much he had grown from the August pediatrician visit. At WFU he weighed 15lbs and 15.2 ounces and measured between 24 and 1/2 and 3/4 inches long.
He started rice cereal right after his four month pediatrician appointment and just two weeks ago he started trying all the veggies. He’s had carrots, squash, green beans and peas now. Tonight I actually started a fruit. Bananas, to be exact. It’s the same funny expression with every new food. How are these eating solid food facial expressions for personality?
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